Monday, November 12, 2007

Black and White Visitor

Late Saturday night, about 11:00, I was laying on the edge of my bed watching TV. The little kids were all in bed and I was waiting up for Kim to get home. I started to smell a skunk. It got so strong that I started to look around to see if a window was open. I went to the office to ask Todd if he smelled something funny. He said, "Like a skunk?" I told him I could smell it really strong in our bedroom. And he told me he had seen one outside and thought he had chased it away.

I went back in the room and laid down on the bed. All of a sudden the smell was so unbearable that I sat up to see what happened. In walks our dog and lays down on the floor.

"It's the dog! Get him out of the house!" I yelled.

Oh, yes. Our dog got in a fight with a skunk.

He was banished to the garage for the night as we sprayed odor eliminator throughout the house. The next morning Todd spent bathing Bear, 4 times. He called the dog groomer for tips. The mixture that finally seemed to work consisted of Joy dish detergent, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide.

He smells almost normal. If you get real close to him you can still smell it. He hasn't got much petting or attention the last couple of days. It might be time for another shave.

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